
Biblical Authority: The Critical Issue for the Body of Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

In a world faced with every kind of religious pluralism, it is as imperative today as it ever has been for the Bible to remain the absolute standard by which all things are judged. The subject of biblical authority may be the most critical and sensitive issue facing the evangelical Christian world today. The rippling effect of this discussion has touched every major theology and philosophical...

existentialism slides inevitably to relativism, which then descends into nihilism. Nihilism denies the existence of any objective grounds for values or truth, and postmodernism is the modern philosopher’s white flag of surrender in his search for truth apart from God. But rather than admit that the secular enterprise of trying to arrive at truth while rejecting biblical authority is a failure, the postmodernist declares that there was no such thing as objective truth to find in the first place. Postmodernist
Pages 31–32